St Andrew’s Newsletter
December – January
December Memories
Rose O’Keefe has shared several pictures of our December events, including the Yule log decorating and the visit from St. Nicholas. Thank you to Rose for helping to record such lovely memories!
Undie Sunday Thanks
We have received a letter of thanks for everyone’s Undie Sunday donations.
Thank you St. Andrew’s Parishioners for your Undie Sunday donations. This year you gave the clothing bank 6 pairs of girl’s gloves, 24 pairs of girls undies, 6 pairs of girls socks; 10 pairs boy’s undies and 21 pairs of socks; 53 pair of men’s underwear and 58 pairs of socks; and 55 pairs of women’s undies and 41 pairs of socks.
We of the clothing bank appreciate the annual “Undie Sunday” items, as do our clients,
Sincerely, Mary V Keinath
Change in Food Donations
After extensive research, the Vestry is considering bringing Sunday food donations to the Salvation Army location across the street. However, this is a decision to be made in conjunction with parishoners. If you have any thoughts or concerns about this proposal, please speak to a Vestry member.
Civil Rights Pilgrimage
Our Diocese and the area ELCA District are sponsoring a Civil Rights Pilgrimage next fall. There is a letter from Archbishop Skelton on the bulletin board, as well as a brochure. Some scholarship aid can be accessed in the Bishop’s office.
Twelfth Night Feast
Bette Worth and her team are again planning to present our wonderful Epiphany celebration: the Twelfth Night Dinner. The event begins with a service of light and blessing of chalk in the church at 5:30 pm. The grand dinner, with a choice of prime rib, chicken, and vegetarian options, will follow at 6 pm. Save the date now for a real St. Andrew’s tradition! Please make your reservation by Wednesday, January 3rd by calling the church office at 360-533-2511 or via the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. A goodwill offering to cover the cost of the dinner is appreciated.
We will also need help for set up the morning of the dinner at 9 am, as well as with clean up afterwards. You can sign up to help at the bulletin board.
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday is February 14th. Eucharist will be celebrated at 12:05 pm that afternoon and 5:30 pm. This day is the solemn beginning of Lent. We are returning to offering 2 services to make it easier to attend.
Civil Rights Pilgrimage
Our Diocese and the area ELCA District are sponsoring a Civil Rights Pilgrimage next fall. There is a letter from Archbishop Skelton on the bulletin board, as well as a brochure. Some scholarship aid can be accessed in the Biship’s office.
Church Family Night
We will be resuming Church Family Nights, the dates for which can be found at the end of the newsletter. We will begin at 5:30 pm with an informal Eucharist in the Church, followed by a potluck and a class. The evening will end by 7:30 pm. We will need volunteers to sign up for set up and clean up. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Please help us with this addition to our spiritual life as a parish.
Thank you to:
- Our choir, bell choir, and pianist/organist, Karla Powell for a lovely musical service this Christmas Eve
- Merry Jo for leading everyone in the Greening of the Church
- Everyone who donated and displayed greenery and poinsettias to help beautify the building
- Rose for her photography skills
- All those who have pledged their time, skills, and money during the Pledge Drive, as well as those who headed up the Drive itself and tirelessly stuffed and stamped envelopes for the cause.
The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others
Bill E, Sally K, Kristin V, Ramona H, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA and NA groups, front line medical personnel, essential workers in all professions, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney, Ed L, Harry R, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Larry T, Eveline S, Mike A, Bruce R, Paul T, Marsha S, Bishop Michael Curry, Pat S, Dina M, Jill B, Bob A, Marc Z, Michael R, Elaine P, Don & Judy M.
Those in current military service
Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, and Madison Sylvester.
Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East
Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East. Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.
December: Eric & Sherri H, Carolyn & Don M
January: Ray W, Pablo M, Sue W, Marlene C, Sammantha C, Erin C
December: Kristin D, Bobbi M, Charles C, Regna C, Mary K, Bruce R, Robert B
January: —
Church Events and Meetings
- January 13th—Memorial service for Jim Stamateou at 11 am
- January 17th—Vestry meeting at 7 pm
- January 25th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
Church Family Night, “The Conversion of St Paul”, at 5:30 pm
- February 8th— Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
- February 11th—Annual meeting
- February 14th—Ash Wednesday Eucharist at 12:05 in the afternoon and 5:30 pm
- February 21st—Vestry meeting at 7 pm
- February 22nd— Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
Church Family Night Dates
We will be having Church Family Night gatherings from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. These evenings begin with eucharist in the church, followed by potluck and a brief class. They will be on the following dates:
January 25th—The Conversion of St Paul
March 14th
April 25th—St. Mark
May 9th—Ascension Day
Fr. Don Maddux – Interim Priest. His phone numbers are 360-533-2511 (church), 360-426-2268 (home), and 360-490-3769 (cell).
Savannah Broadway–Office Admin. You can call the office at 360-533-2511 10:30–3:30, W-F