November – December
Stewardship Pledge Update
Thank you to all that turned in your pledge cards this year. Pledges are important for putting together our expected income for the year, which in turn allows us to create an annual budget. We have made great progress since last Sunday! We have received 12 additional cards and our pledged income for the year is now projected to be $ 92,537. We are close to meeting last year’s annual pledged income and the finance committee will keep you updated as pledges continue to be received. Thank you all for your steadfast commitment to St. Andrews!
An Invitation
After the 10 am service on Sunday, December 3, Saint Andrew’s will celebrate the engagement of Ray Andrew Wasson to Sarena Garcia Deleon. There will be good food and drink, and the opportunity to give our best wishes to these two people as they mark this highlight in their relationship. Be sure to come and bless them with your presence.
Yule Logs
Also on Sunday, December 3, In the Giles Hall area of our facility, we will have tables for the creation of Yule Logs. The Hyde family has again graciously cut and prepared the logs. You are invited to bring clippers, large staplers, and any evergreens and decorations for the logs. The church will have the logs and candles for us to use. If you have kept last year’s log, you can bring it back to decorate again. Plan to enjoy both of these Sunday events!
The Great Saint Andrew’s Christmas Cookie Exchange
The St. Andrew’s Youth are hosting The Great Saint Andrew’s Cookie Exchange. Anyone who has a favorite cookie recipe is invited to bring 12 cookies to church on Sunday, December 17. We will put the cookies out on a table with tongs, so people can select a mixture of other people’s cookies in exchange. Those who would like to bring extras for people who are not able to bake are welcome to do so. This can be a way to share our holiday kitchens with members of our church family.
Church Photo Board
Carolyn Maddux has produced a photo board with pictures of our members and friends. This is a great aid to learning the names of people in our congregation. If your photo isn’t on the board, talk to Carolyn, and she will take your picture. This was a huge project—thank you Carolyn!
State of the Building
With the Christmas season approaching, the Building and Grounds Committee will take a break from projects. During December we will continue to respond to emergencies, monitor drainage under the building, and, as time permits, we will work on small tasks that need to be finished.
Camp Huston
Camp Huston is hosting their Quilters Holiday (December 7-10), and Winter Camp for 8–16 years (Dec 15-17). Those interested can visit
Thank you to:
- Everyone who contributed their time and skills to the Bazaar
- The Bell Choir for their wonderful music
- Our Altar Guild members for beautifying our church
- The Hyde family for their invaluable help in enabling the Yule Log decorating.
The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others: Bill E, Wendy L, Sally K, Kristin V, Ramona H, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA and NA groups, front line medical personnel, essential workers in all professions, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney, Ed L, Harry R, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Larry T, Eveline S, Mike A, Bruce R, Paul T, Marsha S, Bishop Michael Curry, Pat S, Dina M, Marc Z, Michael R
Those in current military service: Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, and Madison Sylvester.
Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East
Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East.
Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.
November: Bob & Jan W, Rene’ & Ann M, Mark & Lin H
December: Eric & Sherri H
November: Sammantha C, Phyllis C, Jack S, Denise C, Betty P, Christian S, Gabrielle S, Louise B, Barbara D, Marlene C, Bette W, Br. Philip Bernard S, Eric K
December: Kristin D, Bobbi M, Charles C, Regna C, Mary K, Bruce R, Robert B
Advent—Christmas Season
- December 3rd: Advent Sunday—Yule log making after 10 am service, engagement party for Ray Andrew Wasson to Sarena Garcia Deleon.
- December 8th: Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
- December 10th: A visit of St. Nicholas
- December 13th: Vestry meeting at 7 pm
- December 17th: Santa Lucia Fest, decorating the Christmas Tree, and Greening of the Church
- December 24th: 10 am—Simple Advent service without music
- 7:30 pm—The music of Christmas
- 8 pm—The Candlelight Mass of Christmas
- December 28th: Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am