November Newsletter

St Andrews


Sorrowful Announcement

It is with heavy hearts that we must announce the passing of Fr. Don Maddux this afternoon.  Although he was at St. Andrew’s part-time, he lead with strength and foresight to help us grow and prepare for a permanent rector. Rest in peace Fr. Don, good and faithful servant.

The funeral service for Father Don will be held on Saturday, November 23, at 11:00 am at St Johns | San Juans in Olympia. The Rev. Paul Collins will preach and the Rev. Dr. Janet Waggoner will preside. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations to any of the churches he served, Episcopal Relief and Development, or to the Arbor Day Foundation or Propagation Nation.

A reception will follow in the parish hall. Contributions of finger foods are welcome and appreciated. Please contact Ann Hutcheson, reception coordinator, at, to inform the reception team of your donation.

Under the leadership of Music Director Steve O’Connor, a choir is coming together from around the area to participate in the service. Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:30 pm and Saturday, November 23 at 10:15 am at St. John | San Juan. Please contact Kerry Tadique if you want to participate.

State of the Building

Winterizing efforts continue, as well as work on the electric blinds in the sanctuary. We’ve also been taking bids to get the carpet in the sanctuary shampooed

Garden (Work) Party

Building and Grounds has scheduled a garden clean up for Saturday, November 16 from 9:00-11:00 a.m., weather permitting.  This will be the final garden work for the season and the debut of some of our new tools.  Please bring your own gloves.

Camp Huston

Camp Huston will be holding the following events. Visit to sign up.

  • Autumn Art Retreat
    October 31–November 3
  • Thanksgiving Family Camp
    November 28–December 1
  • Quilter’s Holiday (adult program)
    December 5–8
  • Winter Camp (youth program)
    December 13–15

Holiday Bazaar Outcome

Thanks to everyone’s hard work the bazaar this year raised over $3800 dollars, which will go towards St Andrew’s community support efforts, including college scholarships, donations to Family Promise, support for Local Food and Clothing Banks, Undie Sunday, and our county-wide school supply drive.

Prayer Chain

We will be starting a prayer chain to better support each other. If you, a friend, or a family member are in need of prayer, please contact Laurel Sheffield with the details you are comfortable sharing at or 859-457-0550 (text only) and your request will be passed on to the congregation to be lifted in prayer. If you want to make sure to receive Laurel’s emails, make sure to add hir email address to your address book.

Thank you to:

  • Father Don and his wife, Carolyn, for the love, kindness, and guidance they have brought to our parish
  • The bell choir whose music beautifies our services
  • All the volunteers that helped plan, clean up, set up, and work the holiday bazaar
  • The generous souls that donated their time and handiwork to the sale
  • Everyone who came out to shop the bazaar and support the church.


Search Committee  Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of Ann, Shari, Bette, and Suzanne, who shall choose a rector for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others: Bill E, Sally K, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA and NA groups, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney D, Ed L, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Mike A, Bruce R, Marsha S, Jill B, Elaine P, Connie T, Don & Judy M, Tina, Ryland, Michael B, Natalie H, Danny S, Carolyn M, Mark B, John, Byron, Mary, Tom & Denise R, Maurice F Jr, Paul & Susie T, Darleen G, John L, Alice & Gunter B, Dianne M, Michael, Bruce M, Muriel.

Those in current military service: Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, Madison Sylvester, Amber Woody, and Brandon Roeseler.

Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East.

Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.

Anniversaries Bob and Jan W, Rene’ and Ann M, Mark and Lin H

Birthdays Sammantha C, Phyllis C, Jack S, Denise C, Betty P, Christian S, Gabrielle S, Louise B, Barbara D, Marlene C, Bette Worth, Br. Philip Bernard S, Eric K

Church Events and Meetings


  • November 20th— Vestry Meeting at 7 pm


  • December 14th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
  • December 18th—Vestry Meeting at 7 pm
  • December 22nd—Greening of the Church
  • December 24th—Christmas Eve service: 7 pm Carols; 7:30 pm Eucharist