St Andrew’s Newsletter
Camp Huston Summer Camp
This year Camp Huston has programs for youth ages 6-15, and Counselor Training for youth age 16 and up. Their Discovery Camp sessions focus on team building, with a challenge course, hikes, cook-outs, arts and crafts, archery, swimming, and more. They are also bringing back Horse Camp for the first time since the start of the pandemic and will also have International Camp as usual. The Bishop Curtis Scholarship, which splits cost between family, church, and diocese, is also available.
For more information, including to work as camp counselor or resident staff, visit A poster with more details is on the bulletin board across from the kitchen.
State of the Building
Building and Grounds activity is picking up as the weather warms up. The Red Door Project is nearly finished, with just minor clean-up to complete. Chris figured out a clever fix to keep the birds from doing their thing over the office door. The masonry under the outside stairwell has been moved (thanks Mert! and Chris, Colin and Dan who moved it), Chris planted a new azaleas the garden, and we’ve scheduled a work party for Saturday, May 4 from 9-11:00. Chris and Colin installed a new, safer mirror in the women’s restroom and a privacy panel in the men’s restroom. Eric and Dan have been looking after our grounds.
The vestry has proposed back lighting the two stained glass windows and installing them in the Parish Hall. We’ve placed plywood cutouts in the proposed places so you can see the idea. Your thoughts are welcome. Because of repeated instances of the building being left unlocked, several people have volunteered to secure the building on Sundays after church. There are still two Sundays left to assign. If you’re interested in doing this, please contact Junior Warden Alice Bertram. Rob Ashler and Ronnie Enstrom will rebuild the railings on the front and office porches this summer. We’ll pressure wash, sand, and paint the steps and railings going up the outside stairway. We’re considering the possibility of modifying the women’s room to allow access for wheel chair and walker entry. If you’d like to help out in any way on the Building and Grounds Committee please contact any of the committee members: Alice Bertram, Chris Hyde, Eric Kohl, Colin McAfee, and Merry Jo Zimmer.
Victorian Tea
This year’s Victorian Tea was a smashing success. 74 people attended, and the event brought in over $1,300. The company was lovely, the food delicious, and the array of hats fabulous. Thanks for everyone who helped make this special day happen are detailed below.
Notices from Building and Grounds
A GARDEN WORK PARTY is scheduled for Saturday, May 4 from 9 am–11:00 am. Bring gloves, bags, and your favorite gardening tools for weeding, trimming, and cleaning up.
PODIUM AVAILABLE. In a recent attic clean-up we discovered a wooden podium that we’re not using. We moved it to Giles Hall. If it’s something you’d like to have, make a donation to St. Andrews and you can take it home. Need help transporting it? See Alice Bertram, Chris Hyde or Merry Jo
Family Promise Open House
Family Promise is holding a series of open houses to show people the needs in our community, their solution, and the impact on real families. Are you curious to learn about what it looks like to end family homelessness in Grays Harbor? Please contact Phil MacNealy to sign up!
The open houses will be on the following days:
Thursday, May 16 at Noon
Thursday, May 16 at 6:30 pm
Saturday, May 18th at 11 am
Family Promise of Grays Harbor Center
111 E. 4th St.
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Thank you to:
- Anne Bennett, for organizing the passion play for Holy Week, and to those who helped her enact them: Paul Tynan, Alice Bertram, Barb Dyer, Kerry Tadique, Russel Shaw, Lynne Schmitke, Nancy Olsen, Joshua Browning, Ann Morris, Maurice Fox, Bette Worth, Suzanne Hierholzer, and the rest of the congregation for their part as Jesus and the Crowd.
- Everyone who helped with the Victorian Tea
- Cooks/Bakers: Lynne Schmidtke, Alice Bertram, Sue Marrs, Annette Pickney, Ann Morris, Gayla Burgess, Bette Worth, Betty Paulsen, Lin Hampton, Mark Hampton, Kate Iseminger, Nancy MacNealy
- Set-up: Lynne Schmidtke, Bette Worth, Bobbi McCracken, Kate Iseminger, Merry Jo Zimmer, Sue Marrs, Annette Pickney, Alice Bertram
- Servers, kitchen helpers, and clean-up crew: Joshua Browning, Joeleanne Hyde, Ryan Stevens, Glenn Stone, Kirsten Hess, Kate Iseminger, Will Sharpe, Marsha Sharpe, Emerson Johnstone, Annette Pickney, Sue Marrs, Lynne Schmidtke, Alice Bertram, Merry Jo Zimmer, Lin Hampton, Colin McAf
- Advertising: Bette Worth, Sue Marrs, Bobbi McCracken, Aberdeen Office
- Aprons: Lin Hampton (special thank you for making darling new aprons for the tea)
Search Committee Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of Ann, Kris, Shari, Bette, and Suzanne, who shall choose a rector for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others: Bill E, Sally K, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA a
nd NA groups, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney D, Ed L, Harry R, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Mike A, Bruce R, Paul T, Marsha S, Jill B, Bob A, Elaine P, Connie T, Don & Judy M, Tina, Ryland, Michael B, Natalie H, Danny S, Fr. Don & Carolyn M, Mark B.
Those in current military service: Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, Madison Sylvester, Amber Woody, and Brandon Roeseler.
Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East. Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.
April: Ken & Keelee F, Pablo & Jody M, Tim & Jackie M
May: Bruce & Bette W
April: Jennifer C, Keelee F, Ann, Madison, Dorothy A, Suzanne C, Doug Z, Dan Schlesser, Rob Ashler, Maria B, Kristin V, Laurel S
May: Alan M, Nancy M, Rob Cox, Alice Bertram, Jo-Ann Andrews, Jim Chapin Sr, Aubrey B. Carr, Tina Faye Carr, Alex Gonzalez Carr, Lin H
Church Events and Meetings
- May 4th—Garden work party from 9 am–11 am
- May 5th—Rogation Sunday, with plants available to take home
- May 8th— Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
- May 15th—Vestry Meeting at 7 pm
- May 22nd—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
- June 2nd—Return to 9 am services; reception honoring graduates
- June 8th—Eucharistic Visitor Training from 9 am–11 pm; Eucharistic Minister training 12:30–3 pm
- June 13th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
- June 17th—Vestry Meeting at 7 pm
- June 27th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am
Church Calendar of Services
Rogation Sunday May 5th
Return to 9 am service June 2nd
Honor Graduates June 2nd
School Supply Drive Kick-off July 7th
Scholarship Car Wash August 11th
Summer Fest TBD
School Supply Ingathering August 25th
Parking Lot Sale August 31st
Old Home Sunday/Parish Picnic September 8th
Stewardship Kick-off September 29th
Blessings of the Animals October 6th
Holiday Bazaar November 2nd
Stewardship Pledge Ingathering November 3rd
Undie Sunday November 17th
Greening of the Church December 22nd
Twelfth Night Dinner January 6th, 2025