August and September Newsletter


Thank you to:

all who helped with Old Home Sunday.  It was a great success with many former parishioners and friends coming from far and wide.  Fr. Don Miller gave some of the history of St. Andrew’s.  Several who were here commented on how wonderful it was to see friends and come back “home”.

—–Daniel for painting the steps of the G St. Entrance and installing the hot water tank in the sacristy.

—–Donn Pinckney for repairing a kneeler in the sanctuary

—–Eucharistic ministers who serve at the altar every Sunday.

—–all who donated to the Geri Trudell Scholarship Carwash.  Post high school education and training is very expensive.  Our students who have received scholarships in the past, (and their parents!) have been very grateful for the help.  Those students coming up were out there scrubbing away to earn the assistance.  They raised over $400!

—–all who donated School Supplies.  Your generosity helps many children whose families do not have the money to buy the basic school needs.

And last but definitely not least, to all the people of St. Andrew’s who have made outreach a priority.  We don’t often hear from those to whom we give financial assistance, but we did receive a thank-you call recently that reminds us why it is so important.   Several months ago, a woman called looking for financial assistance to pay for a medication that she desperately needed to help resolve a serious issue that she was having.  The medication was very expensive, and she did not have the means to pay for it.  After calling many places, she was able to get half of it paid for by another church but had run out of other sources.  We felt the need was something that we should help with.  Betty paid the pharmacy, where they told her that this woman was a very nice person who certainly needed the help.  Earlier this month, the woman called back to thank us for the assistance and said that she was much better and on the road to recovery.  She was very grateful and repeatedly thanked us.  How wonderful to know that the portion of our pledges that is designated to the discretionary fund is used as Jesus has taught us.  Donations at any time are always accepted and appreciated!

September 24th– Messy Church  Join us on Saturday September 24 from 4:30-6 for church, but not like you know it. This event is fun and engaging for all ages. We will work with our hands as we learn about Jesus’ presence in our lives. We will talk, play, sing, listen, eat, and have fun. This event is perfect for people who grew up in the church OR people who have never set foot in a church, for people who are young OR people who are older, people who know all about Jesus OR people who are curious about him. Bring a friend – ALL are welcome.

October 2nd-St. Francis & Harvest Festival Sunday   Bring your animals to be blessed.  Plan on helping to decorate the church to celebrate harvest time.

October 15th– Life-planning   We’ll host a Life-Planning event on Saturday, October 15.  This will provide an opportunity to learn about legal issues such as wills, power of attorney, and health care directives, and to learn about financial planning and legacy giving.  Attorney Ray Wasson and Certified Financial Planner Joliet Osborne will join Treasurer Betty Paulsen to offer workshops and information.  We’ll let you know more detail as that date approaches.

October 16th-St. Luke Sunday Healing Service-Fr. Don will be offering a healing service on this Sunday for anyone in need.

October 23rd to November 20th-Stewardship Drive  The ingathering will be the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 20th, as noted below.  Your pledge of time, talent or money is a way to express your thanksgiving for your church.

November 5th – Holiday Bazaar Lynn Schmidtke has volunteered to coordinate our church Bazaar. All of you ‘crafty people’ need to get to ‘crafting’ and let Lynne know what you will be donating and/or how you can help.

November 6th-All Saints Sunday We will be remembering the souls of our departed family and friends.

November 13-Undie Sunday St. Andrew’s has a history of supporting our local clothing bank by having Undie Sunday!  We collect underwear and socks for all ages.  Those are the most requested items at clothing banks everywhere.  You may start bringing donation of items, or a check with the notation of Undie Sunday, at any time.  We will have the ingathering on November 13th.  Mary V and her crews will be very grateful!

November 20th-The Feast of Christ The King  This will be our “Celebration Sunday”. You are invited to celebrate any good thing in your life on this day. As the focus of our celebration, we will make our pledges for the support of St. Andrew’s

Stewardship Committee

The people of St. Andrews are to be commended.  Our pledge income is ahead of schedule, and St. Andrew’s mission giving has been extraordinary!  Over $8,000 came in, and continues to come in, for the Ukraine Benefit Concert.  The Scholarship Car Wash brought in $400, and our school supplies drive required 10 or 15 people just to bring the supplies up to the altar!

Coming up:  invite your friends and family to the Christmas Bazaar on November 5 (please let Lynne Schmidtke know how you’d like to contribute to this effort), and Undie Sunday is on November 13 (any questions, contact Barb Dyer).

The Stewardship Committee met on August 22.  We made plans for a preliminary 2023 budget, using three scenarios:  for an interim priest, for a part-time priest, and for a full-time priest.  Our Stewardship Drive will run from October 23 to ingathering on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 20.

We have several larger building projects in the works:  the corner of the garden where Giles Hall meets the breezeway will need to be stabilized, and the drainage pipes in the area reattached and eventually replaced; we’re also working on converting all fluorescent fixtures to LED, which will give us better lighting and cost less.  These projects are in the early stages, and we’ll let you know when we have some solid figures to share.

Thank you kind, loving and generous people of St. Andrews.

Merry Jo

all who helped with Old Home Sunday.  It was a great success with many former parishioners and friends coming from far and wide.  Fr. Don Miller gave some of the history of St. Andrew’s.  Several who were here commented on how wonderful it was to see friends and come back “home”.

—–Daniel for painting the steps of the G St. Entrance and installing the hot water tank in the sacristy.

—–Donn Pinckney for repairing a kneeler in the sanctuary

—–Eucharistic ministers who serve at the altar every Sunday.

—–all who donated to the Geri Trudell Scholarship Carwash.  Post high school education and training is very expensive.  Our students who have received scholarships in the past, (and their parents!) have been very grateful for the help.  Those students coming up were out there scrubbing away to earn the assistance.  They raised over $400!

—–all who donated School Supplies.  Your generosity helps many children whose families do not have the money to buy the basic school needs.

And last but definitely not least, to all the people of St. Andrew’s who have made outreach a priority.  We don’t often hear from those to whom we give financial assistance, but we did receive a thank-you call recently that reminds us why it is so important.   Several months ago, a woman called looking for financial assistance to pay for a medication that she desperately needed to help resolve a serious issue that she was having.  The medication was very expensive, and she did not have the means to pay for it.  After calling many places, she was able to get half of it paid for by another church but had run out of other sources.  We felt the need was something that we should help with.  Betty paid the pharmacy, where they told her that this woman was a very nice person who certainly needed the help.  Earlier this month, the woman called back to thank us for the assistance and said that she was much better and on the road to recovery.  She was very grateful and repeatedly thanked us.  How wonderful to know that the portion of our pledges that is designated to the discretionary fund is used as Jesus has taught us.  Donations at any time are always accepted and appreciated!

September 24th– Messy Church  Join us on Saturday September 24 from 4:30-6 for church, but not like you know it. This event is fun and engaging for all ages. We will work with our hands as we learn about Jesus’ presence in our lives. We will talk, play, sing, listen, eat, and have fun. This event is perfect for people who grew up in the church OR people who have never set foot in a church, for people who are young OR people who are older, people who know all about Jesus OR people who are curious about him. Bring a friend – ALL are welcome.

October 2nd-St. Francis & Harvest Festival Sunday   Bring your animals to be blessed.  Plan on helping to decorate the church to celebrate harvest time.

October 15th– Life-planning   We’ll host a Life-Planning event on Saturday, October 15.  This will provide an opportunity to learn about legal issues such as wills, power of attorney, and health care directives, and to learn about financial planning and legacy giving.  Attorney Ray Wasson and Certified Financial Planner Joliet Osborne will join Treasurer Betty Paulsen to offer workshops and information.  We’ll let you know more detail as that date approaches.

October 16th-St. Luke Sunday Healing Service-Fr. Don will be offering a healing service on this Sunday for anyone in need.

October 23rd to November 20th-Stewardship Drive  The ingathering will be the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 20th, as noted below.  Your pledge of time, talent or money is a way to express your thanksgiving for your church.

November 5th – Holiday Bazaar Lynn Schmidtke has volunteered to coordinate our church Bazaar. All of you ‘crafty people’ need to get to ‘crafting’ and let Lynne know what you will be donating and/or how you can help.

November 6th-All Saints Sunday We will be remembering the souls of our departed family and friends.

November 13-Undie Sunday St. Andrew’s has a history of supporting our local clothing bank by having Undie Sunday!  We collect underwear and socks for all ages.  Those are the most requested items at clothing banks everywhere.  You may start bringing donation of items, or a check with the notation of Undie Sunday, at any time.  We will have the ingathering on November 13th.  Mary V and her crews will be very grateful!

November 20th-The Feast of Christ The King  This will be our “Celebration Sunday”. You are invited to celebrate any good thing in your life on this day. As the focus of our celebration, we will make our pledges for the support of St. Andrew’s

Stewardship Committee

The people of St. Andrews are to be commended.  Our pledge income is ahead of schedule, and St. Andrew’s mission giving has been extraordinary!  Over $8,000 came in, and continues to come in, for the Ukraine Benefit Concert.  The Scholarship Car Wash brought in $400, and our school supplies drive required 10 or 15 people just to bring the supplies up to the altar!

Coming up:  invite your friends and family to the Christmas Bazaar on November 5 (please let Lynne Schmidtke know how you’d like to contribute to this effort), and Undie Sunday is on November 13 (any questions, contact Barb Dyer).

The Stewardship Committee met on August 22.  We made plans for a preliminary 2023 budget, using three scenarios:  for an interim priest, for a part-time priest, and for a full-time priest.  Our Stewardship Drive will run from October 23 to ingathering on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 20.

We have several larger building projects in the works:  the corner of the garden where Giles Hall meets the breezeway will need to be stabilized, and the drainage pipes in the area reattached and eventually replaced; we’re also working on converting all fluorescent fixtures to LED, which will give us better lighting and cost less.  These projects are in the early stages, and we’ll let you know when we have some solid figures to share.

Thank you kind, loving and generous people of St. Andrews.

Merry Jo

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