October-November Newsletter




The bishop has awarded the Bishop’s Cross at the annual convention to Lynne Schmidtke. Lynne was especially singled out for the work she has done to rescue Jim Stehn from his desperate situation and to lead a group of our church members in helping get him out of a hopeless situation and into a safe one.

The Vestry nominated Lynee, and was of the opinion that sainthood would have been more appropriate.

All Saints Sunday

Sunday, November 5th, is All Saints Sunday. Forms for listing our loved ones are in the church. All names we receive, either via form or a call to the office, will be remembered at the Eucharist that day.


Yellow and white tulips have been planted in front of the Churchyard cross in memory of Ethen Chapin, Jim Chapin’s grandson.

State of the Building

Thanks to the generosity of the people of St. Andrews, many projects we’ve been working on for months are now in progress or are completed.  In progress is the new ramp on the east side of the sanctuary with a gentle, code-approved slope that enters the breezeway and allows easy access to the sanctuary.  We already had a preview of the new ramp in action when Aberdeen Office delivered the new, incredibly heavy, four-drawer, fireproof, lateral file cabinet which is now installed in the Rector’s office.  Finally, the historical documents of St. Andrews have a safe place should there be a fire!

To mitigate the glare from sunshine on sunny Sunday mornings in the darker months, we installed remote-controlled blinds on the three stained glass windows on the upper south side of the sanctuary.  The readers, priests, and handbell players are thankful for these new blinds.

Innovation Painting completed painting the stairwell and landing going up to the second floor, and they repaired and painted the trim in the Rector’s office with a green color, chosen by Fr. Don, to compliment the stained glass windows. The microphone has been repaired on the prie-dieu so both readers’ mics are now working. St. Andrew’s front doors were tagged with black paint, and while we sanded and covered the writing with red paint, quite frankly, it doesn’t look so great.  In the spring we’ll sand and prep both doors and put on new coats of primer and red paint.

While we’ve completed much work, there’s always more to do.  We could use some help with some other projects:

weatherizing the office door, de-weatherizing the Whiteside room door, rebuilding railings on the front porch, cleaning windows on the west side, Giles Hall, and the breezeway, and building return vents for the Music Room.

Are any of these tasks something you have the skills for and might take on?  Contact Merry Jo at 360-789-7549 for information or to volunteer.

Camp Huston

Camp Huston is hosting their Autumn Art Retreat (Oct 19-22), Thanksgiving Family Camp (Nov 23-26), Quilters Holiday (December 7-10), and Winter Camp for 8–16 years (Dec 15-17). Those interested can visit huston.org.

Stewardship Campaign

October 29th–November 19thEach Sunday during our Stewardship Campaign we will hear from members of St. Andrews about what stewardship means to them. All St. Andrews parishioners can expect a mailing with pledge cards and return envelopes. You may either mail back your pledge card or put them in the offering plate during service. Your pledge is invaluable in setting the budget for next year, 2024.

Holiday Bazaar

November 4thReady your needles and crochet hooks, because the Holiday Bazaar will be soon! The bazaar will be from 10 am–3 pm in the Great Hall, with a lunch of soup, bread, and pie. There is also a quilt raffle, with prizes of a quilted blanket and a quilted advent calendar with candy. Tickets are $1 each. Speak to Lin Hampton to purchase some now!

Undie Sunday

November 12th—St. Andrew’s has a history of supporting our local clothing bank by having Undie Sunday, where we collect underwear and socks for all ages. Those are the most requested items at clothing banks everywhere. You may start bringing donations of items, or a check with the notation of Undie Sunday, at any time. We will have the ingathering on November 12th.

Thank you to:

  • Everyone who has pitched in to prepare for the stewardship event.
  • Our acolytes for their invaluable contribution to the service.
  • The St. Andrew’s Choir who enrich our Sundays.
  • Karla, our organist, for lending us her talents.
  • Those who keep our church grounds beautiful and well-maintained.

The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others:

Bill E, Wendy L, Sally K, Kristin V, Ramona H, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA and NA groups, front line medical personnel, essential workers in all professions, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Jackie V, Marc Z, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney, Ed L, Harry R, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Larry T, Eveline S, Mike A, Bruce R, Paul T, Marsha S, Bishop Michael Curry, Pat S, Dina M.

Those in current military service:

Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, and Madison Sylvester.

Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East

Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East. Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.


October: Larry & Judie S, Dennis & Barbara

November: Bob & Jan W, Rene’ & Ann M, Mark & Lin H


October: Erin C, Dorothy B, Sherri H, Alice K, Michelle T, Annette P, Jane P, Marley S, Ruth K, Richard W, Kathy A, Susan D, James I

November: Sammantha C, Phyllis C, Jack S, Denise C, Betty P, Christian S, Gabrielle S, Louise B, Barbara D, Marlene C, Bette W, Br.Philip Bernard S, Eric K

Church Events and Meetings


November 4th—Holiday Bazaar, 10 am–3 pm

November 5th—All Saints Sunday

November 9th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am

November 12th—Undie Sunday

November 15th—Vestry Meeting at 7 pm

November 19th—Pledge Ingathering

November 23rd—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am

November 30th: Saint Andrew’s Day Service—5:30 pm: St Andrew’s Day Eucharist, potluck, and basic class


December 3rdFirst day of Advent, Yule log making after 10 am service

December 10thA Visit of St. Nicholas

December 14thBuilding and Grounds meeting at 9 am

December 17th— Santa Lucia Fest, decorating the Christmas Tree, and Greening of the Church

December 20thVestry meeting at 7 pm

December 23rdGreening of the Church

December 24th: 10 am—Simple Advent service without music

7:30 pm—The music of Christmas

8 pm—The Candlelight Mass of Christmas

December 25thChristmas Day

December 28thBuilding and Grounds meeting at 9 am

This season is an especially good time to invite your friends and family to join us in worship!


  • Paul Tynan is currently in rehab after an amputation. Cards of encouragement would be welcome.
  • We are again collecting egg cartons for the food bank.
  • We are looking for additional ushers. Please call the office or speak with Fr. Don if you are interested.

October-November Newsletter




The bishop has awarded the Bishop’s Cross at the annual convention to Lynne Schmidtke. Lynne was especially singled out for the work she has done to rescue Jim Stehn from his desperate situation and to lead a group of our church members in helping get him out of a hopeless situation and into a safe one.

The Vestry nominated Lynee, and was of the opinion that sainthood would have been more appropriate.

All Saints Sunday

Sunday, November 5th, is All Saints Sunday. Forms for listing our loved ones are in the church. All names we receive, either via form or a call to the office, will be remembered at the Eucharist that day.


Yellow and white tulips have been planted in front of the Churchyard cross in memory of Ethen Chapin, Jim Chapin’s grandson.

State of the Building

Thanks to the generosity of the people of St. Andrews, many projects we’ve been working on for months are now in progress or are completed.  In progress is the new ramp on the east side of the sanctuary with a gentle, code-approved slope that enters the breezeway and allows easy access to the sanctuary.  We already had a preview of the new ramp in action when Aberdeen Office delivered the new, incredibly heavy, four-drawer, fireproof, lateral file cabinet which is now installed in the Rector’s office.  Finally, the historical documents of St. Andrews have a safe place should there be a fire!

To mitigate the glare from sunshine on sunny Sunday mornings in the darker months, we installed remote-controlled blinds on the three stained glass windows on the upper south side of the sanctuary.  The readers, priests, and handbell players are thankful for these new blinds.

Innovation Painting completed painting the stairwell and landing going up to the second floor, and they repaired and painted the trim in the Rector’s office with a green color, chosen by Fr. Don, to compliment the stained glass windows. The microphone has been repaired on the prie-dieu so both readers’ mics are now working. St. Andrew’s front doors were tagged with black paint, and while we sanded and covered the writing with red paint, quite frankly, it doesn’t look so great.  In the spring we’ll sand and prep both doors and put on new coats of primer and red paint.

While we’ve completed much work, there’s always more to do.  We could use some help with some other projects:

weatherizing the office door, de-weatherizing the Whiteside room door, rebuilding railings on the front porch, cleaning windows on the west side, Giles Hall, and the breezeway, and building return vents for the Music Room.

Are any of these tasks something you have the skills for and might take on?  Contact Merry Jo at 360-789-7549 for information or to volunteer.

Camp Huston

Camp Huston is hosting their Autumn Art Retreat (Oct 19-22), Thanksgiving Family Camp (Nov 23-26), Quilters Holiday (December 7-10), and Winter Camp for 8–16 years (Dec 15-17). Those interested can visit huston.org.

Stewardship Campaign

October 29th–November 19thEach Sunday during our Stewardship Campaign we will hear from members of St. Andrews about what stewardship means to them. All St. Andrews parishioners can expect a mailing with pledge cards and return envelopes. You may either mail back your pledge card or put them in the offering plate during service. Your pledge is invaluable in setting the budget for next year, 2024.

Holiday Bazaar

November 4thReady your needles and crochet hooks, because the Holiday Bazaar will be soon! The bazaar will be from 10 am–3 pm in the Great Hall, with a lunch of soup, bread, and pie. There is also a quilt raffle, with prizes of a quilted blanket and a quilted advent calendar with candy. Tickets are $1 each. Speak to Lin Hampton to purchase some now!

Undie Sunday

November 12th—St. Andrew’s has a history of supporting our local clothing bank by having Undie Sunday, where we collect underwear and socks for all ages. Those are the most requested items at clothing banks everywhere. You may start bringing donations of items, or a check with the notation of Undie Sunday, at any time. We will have the ingathering on November 12th.

Thank you to:

  • Everyone who has pitched in to prepare for the stewardship event.
  • Our acolytes for their invaluable contribution to the service.
  • The St. Andrew’s Choir who enrich our Sundays.
  • Karla, our organist, for lending us her talents.
  • Those who keep our church grounds beautiful and well-maintained.

The following is a list of people for whom our prayers are asked. For the sick, lonely, and suffering; for those who mourn, and for those who rejoice, and others:

Bill E, Wendy L, Sally K, Kristin V, Ramona H, JoAnne A, Bob A, Mason A, the members of the AA and NA groups, front line medical personnel, essential workers in all professions, Mert T, Marsha, Sara, Joseph, Jackie V, Marc Z, Joseph, Melissa E, Gary E, Joan M, Irv C, Dom Philip Bernard, Shawn M, Louise B, Sydney, Ed L, Harry R, Grace R, Ginger H, Robert P, Lorene H, Phil M, Donna C, Chris C, Dennis D, Larry T, Eveline S, Mike A, Bruce R, Paul T, Marsha S, Bishop Michael Curry, Pat S, Dina M.

Those in current military service:

Andrew Roth, Breanne Gunther, Ian Gunther, Nicole Hyde, Jordan Bush, Josh Sindorf, and Madison Sylvester.

Prayers for Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East

Loving and liberating Creator, send your healing Spirit upon all involved in the current conflict and violence in the Middle East. Comfort those who mourn or who have been harmed by brutality. Stand with those who are fearful. Protect and provide for the powerless and the vulnerable. Inspire a spirit of forbearance and understanding within all and uphold those who even now work for a just and durable peace. In the name of Christ. Amen.


October: Larry & Judie S, Dennis & Barbara

November: Bob & Jan W, Rene’ & Ann M, Mark & Lin H


October: Erin C, Dorothy B, Sherri H, Alice K, Michelle T, Annette P, Jane P, Marley S, Ruth K, Richard W, Kathy A, Susan D, James I

November: Sammantha C, Phyllis C, Jack S, Denise C, Betty P, Christian S, Gabrielle S, Louise B, Barbara D, Marlene C, Bette W, Br.Philip Bernard S, Eric K

Church Events and Meetings


November 4th—Holiday Bazaar, 10 am–3 pm

November 5th—All Saints Sunday

November 9th—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am

November 12th—Undie Sunday

November 15th—Vestry Meeting at 7 pm

November 19th—Pledge Ingathering

November 23rd—Building and Grounds meeting at 9 am

November 30th: Saint Andrew’s Day Service—5:30 pm: St Andrew’s Day Eucharist, potluck, and basic class


December 3rdFirst day of Advent, Yule log making after 10 am service

December 10thA Visit of St. Nicholas

December 14thBuilding and Grounds meeting at 9 am

December 17th— Santa Lucia Fest, decorating the Christmas Tree, and Greening of the Church

December 20thVestry meeting at 7 pm

December 23rdGreening of the Church

December 24th: 10 am—Simple Advent service without music

7:30 pm—The music of Christmas

8 pm—The Candlelight Mass of Christmas

December 25thChristmas Day

December 28thBuilding and Grounds meeting at 9 am

This season is an especially good time to invite your friends and family to join us in worship!


  • Paul Tynan is currently in rehab after an amputation. Cards of encouragement would be welcome.
  • We are again collecting egg cartons for the food bank.
  • We are looking for additional ushers. Please call the office or speak with Fr. Don if you are interested.